Andrea, Townsville, Australia: My Carbon Footprint

Sep 17, 2020 by Andrea Beneke

After calculating my carbon footprint, it is clear that mine is below average compared to the average Australian. My carbon footprint being 9,640 kg of Carbon Dioxode whereas the average is 11,771 kgs. Since Townsville’s climate is quite different from most, the majority of the year being very humid, home cooling systems such as air conditions are used consistently for the warmer seasons. Townsville is also a remote city therefore requiring more transport which would cause the increase in my carbon footprint because we are 1700 kilometres away from our capital city. I also participate in extra-curricular activities such as dance which also requires frequent transportation as it is a 45 minute round trip. In saying this, I also walk to and from school regularly each week which decreases the carbon dioxide emitted. In comparison to the average Australian, when observing the average carbon footprint worldwide, I am well above average which means that I am excessively using other people’s resources. This is a result of the fact that Australia is a more developed country, expressing that we use more energy than other less fortunate countries.

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2 Comment(s)

We found very interesting the idea of giving in your text exact numbers and information, give us a very exact idea. And did you thought of using the bicycle as an option?

We also like that your information is very clear to understand and interesting.

Holly Kappel
Oct 11, 2020

Hey Andrea, it is really great to see that to reduce your carbon footprint you walk to and from school. I am super excited to be in this project with you. 

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