Hunter Miles, Townsville Australia: my carbon footprint

Oct 12, 2020 by Hunter Miles, Townsville Australia

My Carbon footprint is approximately 11,503kg of CO2 per year.

I used an online carbon footprint calculator ( ) to determine my carbon footprint. This amount is only 200kg less than my regions average but 4 times the amount of the world average at  3,791 kg. I should try and improve in the food and transportation categories as it is higher they are higher than my regions average. In the other categories my results are reasonably low however could still be improved upon.

These results were obtained as i very rarely make purchases that are unnecessary and don't use a heater during the colder months as my area has a hot climate. My transportation results were most likely similar to my regions average as I use vehicles and fly in planes as much as the average person in my region. I could reduce my carbon footprint by using my air conditioner less or setting it to a higher temperature when using it. I could also reduce my carbon footprint by beginning to compost leaves and left over food scraps, take my own bags and containers when going shopping and when going out to get food and by recycling more. I could start to ride to school or walk as it's not too far away from school.  Not only do I need to improve my carbon footprint but also the rest of my country. Australia wastes around 7.3 million tonnes of food each year and this must be improved in order to make a real difference and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. 

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2 Comment(s)

Hello Hunter!

You sound like you really care about this subject. I like how you included self-improvements and personal goals. I totally agree that it's the little improvements over time that make the biggest difference.

The best one I've seen!

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