Sofia, Townsville, Australia: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Oct 8, 2020 by Sofia

My carbon footprint was exactly what I thought it was going to be, decent but only just above average. I used the WWF ecological footprint, and I got an average of 1.6 Earths. To decrease my number of Earth usage, I can definitely try to walk more than to drive to most places, or to ride my bike. For food, I  can try to buy more sustainable and environmentally friendly food items and packaging. Compared to the other results or former classmates, my family and I are doing everything we can in order to use sustainable, as we have solar panels, energy efficient washing machines and fridges and we use sensor lights so no light is accidentally left on. Personally, I am dairy free, and gluten sensitive and my parents diet so our food consumption for meat and dairy is constricted. A second area my family and I can improve on is our plastic consumption. While we use reusable bags, we regulary use plastic bags for rubbish and plastic cutlery and plates for when we are camping. 

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