Ashley, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, My Carbon Footprint

Oct 16, 2020 by Ashley

My Carbon footprint is 6,891 kgs a year

My greatest carbon footprint is in my home, as the appliances we use for convenience use up a lot of energy. We also use a lot of heating in the cooler months. The house I live in is a disconnected house that has just under 2000 square feet of surface area, so providing heat and light to all this area uses up a lot of energy. If I wanted to lower my footprint, I could downsize my home  if I chose to move out, and use less appliances for convenience. These could include omitting my dryer, turning off electronics when I'm not using them, using less light in the evenings, etc. 

Because I follow a mostly vegetarian diet, my footprint is low for food.

because I didn't go on a plane this year, my carbon footprint was reduced for transportation.

However, it is not reasonable to bike every day to school as it gets too cold in the winter.  Taking public transit more could lower my footprint in the winter.

 You:Your region:
Home:4,377 kgs5,101 kgs
Food:766 kgs4,041 kgs
Purchases:197 kgs1,588 kgs
Transportation:1,551 kgs7,402 kgs

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3 Comment(s)

Mya Sopronick
Oct 22, 2020

Hey Ashley, Well done on having such a low carbon footprint. I am amazed by how low your transportation section is. Mine wouldn't be this low unfortunately.

Oct 18, 2020

Hi Ashley,

My name is Will im from Townsville, Queensland, Australia and i would just like to say well done for having such a low carbon footprint, an espcially well donw for having avery low amount on the transportation section

Oct 18, 2020

Hello Ashley, I live in Townsville, Australia and I just wanted to say congrats for having such a low carbon footprint compared to the average carbon footprint. Especially good work on your food expenses as that is very hard to have an under average amount for it.

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