Kyrra, Townsville Australia Carbon Footprint

Nov 15, 2020 by Kyrra Hartas

Using the website I calculated my personal carbon footprint.  Each year my total footprint is approximately 6362 kilograms of CO2, where as the average emission per person in Australia is slightly under double that at 1122 kilograms.  In majority of the categories such as home, food and purchases my carbon emission is significantly lower compared to the region except for transportation where it is only slightly under the average.  The main purpose for transportation would be when I drive around for weekend activities such as shopping or driving up the hill.  I do not require transport to and from school as I live close enough to be able to walk to and from each day.  Ways to reduce this would be potentially choosing activities closer to home so I could either walk or ride a bike.  Other ways I could educe my carbon usage at home, would be only turning on one light at night and only turning on the air conditioner when necessary.  My house has in recent years installed solar panels on our roof to offset some of the carbon emission as well.  

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