Ellie, Greece: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Nov 3, 2020 by GEN-EllieB

Hi, my name is Ellie, I’m 15 years old and I live in Greece. In order to calculate my personal carbon footprint I used https://depts.washington.edu/i..., which was actually a very helpful site, especially for non-native English speakers. My results were: 6,771 kgs of CO2 per year, which was, as I thought, bellow average in Greece, but it is almost double the average worldwide’s footprint (3,791 kgs). Honestly, I was quite surprised with the worldwide average. The thing is that, because my school is close to my house, I don’t really use any car, public transportation or school bus. Also, while not, in addition, supporting fast fashion, I do not buy new clothes regularly, maybe 8 times per year, and my “new” clothes are hand downs from siblings and other relatives. Both factors mentioned above contributed so that I am somewhat bellow average. It’s very shocking and also saddening that in order to have a “globally sustainable” footprint level, each and everyone of us can only “produce” 1,000 kg (=2,204 lb). I think we can still make a change and we should be trying our best (changing small everyday habits) so as to save our planet. There is still hope!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and I hope everyone is healthy (both physically and MENTALLY). Have a wonderful day! Many greetings from Greece :) 

My Carbon Footprint

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6 Comment(s)

Bethany Tsv Aus
Nov 15, 2020

Hey Ellie! I hope you're doing well too! Your blog was really interesting to read and learn more about Greece's carbon emissions. I too find the worldwide average surprising, but as long as we all do our part to lower our carbon emissions as much as possible, we should be able to make a small impact.


Tara Woods
Nov 15, 2020

Hi. Congratulations in having a lower carbon footprint than your region. However, anyone can improve, is there anyway you can think of to lower your carbon footprint? Is there any daily activities that you can slightly adapt to be a bit more carbon conscious?

Jaden Tomaszewski
Nov 8, 2020

I am very impressed at how low your footprint is compared to the average in your region! It sounds like you do a lot in your everyday life to keep your footprint low which is awesome! I agree with you that we can't just solve such a big issue in a small amount of time but changing small everyday habits will slowly push us to our goal! 

Nicola Perry
Nov 4, 2020

Hey Ellie, I also live relatively close to school so my transportation was low, however I think mine was also because I couldn't travel this year and I normally travel by plane a lot through the year. I hope we can all lower are carbon footprint, and I hope you're doing well too in Greece :)

-Nicola, Townsville, Australia

Nov 4, 2020

Hi Ellie! It's surprising what Greece's average kgs of CO2 compared to Australia. Do you walk to school? I agree 1'000kgs of CO2 isn't a lot for each and everyone of us to produce. Everyone should try and change small everyday habits to save our planet.

- Anneke, Townsville, Australia

Milena Amaro
Nov 3, 2020

Hi, Ellie

I find it very interesting how something which seems quite small like walking to school instead of driving or taking the bus can have such a great impact on our footprint and effect on the planet. I think you are right, we can still make a change and every small action matters! 

-Mile, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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