Thomas Smith's Carbon Footprint, Australia

Environment   Nov 24, 2020 by Thomas Smith, Townsville, Australia

Hi there.

I calculated my carbon footprint using Zero Footprint Youth Calculator and my results are shown below. I was pleasantly surprised by my footprint as it was one of the lowest in my class and well under the Australian average. The largest portion of my footprint was food and packaging. I can reduce this by eating less meat and buy unpackaged products from local suppliers when possible. As well as this, I can ride my bike a bit more, watch less TV and ensure that household electronics are turned off when they aren't being used. One of the difficult issues I face with reducing my footprint is that I have just gotten my learners licence and need to drive for 100 hours in a year. At the moment, I can ensure that my trips have a purpose to ensure I am not burning fuel unnecessarily.

Overall, I believe my carbon footprint is pretty good, but there are definitely opportunities for improvement and now that I have brainstormed some solutions I could incorporate, the next step is to try them out.

Thank you for reading my blog.

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