Ethan, Calgary, Canada: Carbon footprint

Oct 19, 2020 by Ethan

when I finished my carbon footprint calculator, my amount of earths used was 3.13 which is exactly one more than the average person. I think this is because I live in a house hold with 5 other people, 2 of the foster kids are driven down the block to go to school but the other foster kid has to take the bus to school because she is in grade 7, both my parents have to drive to work,  they cant car pool because they start at the same time and work on the opposite side of the city from one another, and finally I walk to school because it is very close to where I live. I think another reason my carbon footprint is so high is because I live in Canada and it gets very cold here very fast. This matters because we have to heat our homes usually starting in October to around end of April to mid may that is along time to have constant heating in our house.  

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2 Comment(s)

Abigail Evennett
Nov 15, 2020

Hi Ethan!

Thankyou for specifying why your carbon footprint is so high. Where I live it is the opposite of Canada since our climate is always hot and usually always humid. We emit a lot of carbon due to our use of air-conditioning just like you use heating systems.  I think its good that you walk to school since you wont have to take a car. Thankyou for your post!

Abby- Townsville, Australia

Brandon Ebdon
Nov 11, 2020

Hi Ethan, I found your blog very informative on why your carbon footprint was higher then the average person, I think that my carbon footprint is high but due to a slightly different reason, in Australia especially in Townsville it gets really hot so we have to turn lots of air conditioners to cool day everyone.

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