Hana Fellows, Townsville, Queensland, Australia. My carbon Footprint

Environment   Sep 17, 2020 by Hana Fellows

After taking the carbon footprint survey, I have been able to see my calculated carbon footprint. Overall, my total carbon footprint is lower than the average for Australia, however is over 1,000 more Kg than worldwide. In the home category, my carbon footprint was 3,000 kg lower than my region's average. This may be due to the conscious effort made by my family to help me reduce my own carbon footprint. These efforts include ensuring most lights and unused electricity are switched off and any time they are not needed. Additionally, the air conditioner and electrical appliances which are not used regularly, decreases my overall carbon footprint. However, taking the global average into consideration, there are other actions such as watching less TV, and substituting electrical appliances for natural methods which could further improve the footprint. The food category shows an approximate difference of 2,400 kg . This could be due to my family's choice of being vegetarian, eating most leftover food from any meal and composting the scraps. The purchases category also are less than the average for my region. By limiting the amount of products I purchase and getting second hand things from my sister allows for a reduced carbon footprint. The last category of transportation is the worst category. The results show a very close result between my kgs and my region's average. This footprint is due to the flights made oversees and transport from home to school which is by car. To reduce my footprint, I will try to get other transportation such as bus, bike or foot, as well as reducing the amount of flights and holidays. Overall, my carbon footprint is below average for my region however still needs further action to be reduced to create a sustainable total carbon footprint.

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2 Comment(s)

Hello, Hana!! 

It's great to see that your carbon footprint is calculated in lesser CO2 emission quantities than your country's! 

Also, it's amazing that your family chose to be vegetarian. I'm actually in the slow process of turning into a vegetarian :). Your family could give me some vegetarian food recipes heheheh.

Greetings from Brazil!

Brook and Regan
Oct 14, 2020

Good job. We like how you included a self-analyzation for each category. It seems like you are very environmentally aware!

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