Hello I am Janely but Kyanite also works. I am From Estonia and I make art such as this to show my thought. This is an image on global warming, as the animals try to get on the little ice piece, wondering where they are. I am willing to make just about any art to convey thought of 'We should we improve to save our unique planet' However I may be a bit lazy sometimes regarding my art if I have a deadline I will try my best to be on time. The reason I didn't make a video is because I get shy/ a bit self conscious on camera.

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7 Comment(s)

Reece Alberich
Nov 17, 2020

Hello Janely,

I like your artwork and think it's really creative. I am interested in hearing how climate change impacts Estonia.

Hey Janely!

I love your art and I completely relate to the laziness but willingness to still be on time for the deadline ;) I also get pretty self-conscious on camera (really not photogenic T-T) and I would love to hear more from you about Estonia!

- Princess :)

Hi Janely,
Just wanted to say you are a very talented artist! This is amazing! We need more of this to spread the word of Climate Change. Can't wait to see more of your artwork!
- Amelia, QLD Australia

Oct 14, 2020

I love your artstyle! It's really great that you are participating in the project although you can get shy. Hope to learn more about you and your country!

- Teo, Argentina

Sarah Flynn
Oct 8, 2020

Hello Janely,
I LOVE the art that you have shared. Thank you so much for having the courage to post it here. Are there climate change issues that you see in your city or country? I would love to learn more about you and your city in Estonia!
Thank you again! Look forward to hearing more from you in this project!

Holly Kappel
Oct 8, 2020

Hi Kyanite, I think your art is really lovely and expressive. I enjoy art as well.

Oct 8, 2020

Great artwork! I'm really shy as well.