Hello! My name is Amaka and this is my photo voice in Kenya there is a big issue of cutting down trees to make buildings using for firewood and other things this is a big problem because you are not only affecting yourself in the process but also the people near you these actions start from a certain place like the one in this picture once this forms a habit it will be hard to stop it these types of things like littering and the rest are part of this war against global warming which are affecting us, the more we form this habit the situation will become worse than it is now the government needs to speak up because one day there will be no more talking but observing it is better to start now so that in the future we do not regret our actions and saying we should have done this or that before, while we still have our chance which is NOW because the small things we do make a difference it is not only about planting trees but you can also start leading campaigns where you are getting money to help but the more speaking we do the more attention will come use this picture as an example to see what happens when you cut down trees make a change NOW before it is too late make a change now so it does not affect our future.

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4 Comment(s)

Kiera Croghan
Nov 17, 2020

Hi Amaka! I love how your encouraging others to take action! Your post is very informative and motivating!

Hey Amaka, I love your video!
Your introduction was really effective and informative and your video was very entertaining to watch. Great work.

Brandon Ebdon
Nov 11, 2020

your introduction was really informative how cutting down trees affects everyone in your region

Faith Mulli
Oct 29, 2020

Great job Amaka