Hello, My name is Sharon Mulimi, and I come from Nairobi, Kenya and this is my Photovoice introduction. The pictures above are just a few of many images to illustrate how climate change has affected Kenya. // Most of the population in Nairobi is less fortunate, but I am blessed to be part of the FORTUNATE population. The less fortunate, and majority of Kenyans are suffering due to the change of climate. And Kenya’s most prominent business, which is farming, is being affected the most. Farmers can no longer predict rain seasons, and their crops die either from droughts or floods. The government has evidently made attempts to reduce climate change and it’s impacts, by banning plastic bags, planting trees, building drainage systems to reduce flooding, etc. But the problem is that most of the projects that the government starts, they are unable to finish, due to lack of funding. The government of Kenya is famous for its corruption Therefore, the money we pay through taxes, and all the loans we receive in the name of ending climate change, are just stolen by greedy politicians. // In conclusion, as of now, the government is not the BEST option to help with climate change. Instead, I believe that private organizations and the youth are our best option. I believe that small, non-government projects should be encouraged, and that the youth of Kenya should be more involved. My aim is to learn from other young enthusiasts, on how to help my city and my country. I wish to study other countries’ efforts and see how I can help mine.

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5 Comment(s)

Hey Sharon, your video was great!
I love the emotion displayed through the images, they were really effective.

Emmanuela Amaka
Oct 29, 2020

Very good Sharon

sam t
Oct 28, 2020

i agree!!

Faith Mulli
Oct 28, 2020

Excellent work Sharon

You just painted such an accurate picture of the situation in Kenya-A lot of the low class majority depend on subsistence farming and look upon rains for that matter. Lately we have seen delayed/failed rains or excess pours which end up destroying crops and washing them off into the seas.
We are the best solution to our problems through educating the community and coming together in building gabions, educating peasants on best practices like irrigation and ploughing across hilly areas just to mention a few.
Good job Sharon!