Jaden Tomaszewski, Calgary Canada: Youth Climate Justice Advocate

Environment   Nov 25, 2020 by Jaden Tomaszewski

https://ecojustice.ca/meet-you... In this link you will meet different youth climate justice advocates from around Canada.

Many countries benefit from the use of fossil fuels, and as society becomes more technologically advanced, the use of fossil fuels is rising. However, there are countries that use more fossil fuels than the rest of the world. China, the United States and India combined use more fossil fuels than the rest of the world combined. Due to high populations in all of these countries, it is expected that their use of fossil fuels would be larger, but is enough being done to slow the use?

Countries such as Japan, the Philippines, and Germany are the top three most vulnerable countries in the world when it comes to climate change. Japan is threatened by climate change in the form of heavy rains, heat waves, earthquakes, and typhoons. The Philippines and Germany are posed with some of the same threats. All three of these countries are in the top 35 among the world in fossil fuel consumption.

I believe that countries who have the resources to do so, should be taking every measure possible to reduce consumption of fossil fuels. On the other hand, I do not believe it is a moral obligation to fix what other countries have ruined. Climate change is a huge issue that cannot be solved with the snap of a finger, therefore, if a country is unable to resolve their own emission issues, how are they supposed to help other countries lower their emissions? With this said, every individual can make small changes to their everyday lives such as taking public transportation, taking shorter showers, turning lights off when not being used, not using heaters/AC units as often, and the list could go on. I believe this is the first step to making any significant changes.

Some ways Canada could move towards climate justice could be to come up with alternate forms of renewable energy to reduce emissions. Once we start to make changes locally, the country will be more fit to help make changes globally.

I believe my school is quite green compared to a lot of other schools in the city, but things can always improve. Something we could do is place more composting and recycling bins around the school, so they are easily accessible when student need to dispose of something. As well, each student and teacher could be more diligent about turning lights off in unoccupied classrooms. Lastly, the school could invest in hand dryers in the washrooms instead of using paper towels, as that creates quite a bit of waste.

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1 Comment(s)

Sophia Fernandes Almeida, São Paulo, Brazil

Hi, Jaden! Nice to meet you!!!

It is so good to know that you think your school is already quite green! I also believe that there should more recyclabe waste bins around my community in Brazil! I hope you achieve your goals while reducing carbon emission in Canada! It will be good to work with you during this project!