Evan Hodgson, Townsville, Australia, Youth Climate Justice Activist

Nov 18, 2020 by Evan Hodgson

Daisy Jeffrey is a 17 year old climate activist from Sydney, Australia. She is one of the lead organisers for School Strike 4 Climate which has had an attendance of 300,000 people over the country and 5000 teens in one rally. The 10 countries who produced the most fossil fuels in 2019-2018 were the USA, Russia, Iran, Canada, Qatar, China, Norway, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and Algeria. Almost all of the countries that stand to lose the most from climate change are not the largest contributors. All of the countries that contribute to climate change would lose something from climate change, but is nothing compared to the money they make from selling fossil fuels. The most affected countries are ones that are made of ice, where most of the country or infrastructure is close to sea level, or ones that already suffer from extreme weather. This includes countries like Japan, Africa, Madagascar, and many others, especially if it is a low income country. Australia should definitely try to decrease its emissions to try prevent the damage to other countries and ourselves in the long run. With the amount of fossil fuels we sell it does not seem fair for the amount of damage we could be causing to not try to decrease out emissions. Taking action could be recycling more, installing solar panels or trying to implement newer more efficient technology as fast as possible like electric cars. First I think trying to implement or increase tax on carbon or selling fossil fuels. The proposed change of a road tax for electric cars (who at this point avoid tax) should be withheld to incentivise the purchase of them. Eventually to make up for the money and power Australia would lose from selling less coal, it is a possibility to start using more solar or nuclear. The best thing for our community to do in something that is achievable is to advertise recycling and make it as accessible as possible. The work Daisy Jeffrey is doing at this point is what I think should be done, to increase awareness for the general population and get the government to implement change.









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