Youth Activist in Australia

Education   Nov 17, 2020 by Sofia

Jean Hinchliffe has been dubbed as Australia’s “Greta Thunberg”. She is a 15 year old school student, a speaker and climate activist. She developed and started School Strike 4 Climate which has even taken place right here in Townsville. Hinchliffe is campaigning for legislative action against the usage and sourcing of fossil fuels, and all the while striving for Australia to be a fully carbon neutral country. Since starting her activism at age 13, she has volunteered in multiple projects such as Vote Yes for marriage equality, organisations like GetUp and Stop Adani. Her passion has landed on national news shows such as The Project and The Feed. When Hinchliffe has spare time, she works as a professional actress and has even filmed her first television series, The Unlisted. (TedX, 2020)

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