Mason Ryland, Townsville, Australia : Youth Climate Justice Advocate

Environment   Nov 24, 2020 by Mason Ryland

The AYCC is a foundation a people working together call the Australian Youth Climate Coalition who are fighting for climate justice. They advocate for sustainable solutions to the climate issue, they work together to support those who have been most affected by climate change and analyse and challenge that systems that are the foundation of the climate issue. They strive towards solving climate crisis’s by not only cutting emissions but have the opportunity to rethink the way we are effecting the world and build a better fairer future for everybody. The AYCC is aiming to keep global warming rates to increase and keep the temperatures below 1.5 degrees. The AYCC is working to find sustainable solutions to the climate crisis, work together to build the power of, those most affected by climate change, examine and challenge the systems at the root cause of the climate crisis.

Australia is trying to do their fair share of reducing global warming rates. Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, including carbon neutral sources like sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and waves. Australia is a big user of renewable energy from solar panels, wind turbines and Hydro. Energy made from wind is the largest at 35% and other sources like Hydro at 25.7% small scale solar at 22.3% and large scale solar at 9.3% of total renewable energy collected. These are all beneficial sources of renewable energy as the Australian Energy Statistics have revealed that Australian renewables achieved a 21 per cent share of Australia's total electricity generation last year. The growth in renewable energy output has been driven by a 46 per cent growth in solar output and 19 per cent increase in wind power. This is a massive change in how Australia uses Renewable energy for compared to 1990’s to now. Therefore, by enforcing renewable energy projects into the school community and outer communities, will ensure effective results that will support the journey towards a better Earth.

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2 Comment(s)

Sophia Fernandes Almeida, São Paulo, Brazil

Hi, Mason!!! Nice to meet you! How are you?

I liked to get to know about the AYCC foundation! It is so interesting! I also believe using renewable energy is a good way to reduce carbon emission, and I think it would help Brazil, too! You have collected a lot of information, congratulations! I hope you will be able to put in practice the use of renewable energy! It will be nice to work with you during #Decarbonize!

Jaden Tomaszewski
Nov 25, 2020

I like that the foundation you chose is looking at not only impacts on Australia but also the rest of the world. I found it interesting to see the different sources of renewable energy you rely on!