Clarabelle Rode, Los Altos, CA, USA ~ Post Bilaterals

Environment   Nov 12, 2020 by Clarabelle

The information from the bilaterals event was a really good way to really understand all the issues affecting our world today and what we can do to not just help ourselves and where we live but others. I learned a lot about some differences and similarities that we are facing. I think most of us are suffering from the same issues and problems, but are sometimes seeing differences just based on the climate and other factors. For example, natural disasters like fires and earthquakes are impacting all of us, but some places are being more greatly impacted by one than the other. Here in California, we have definitely been seeing lots of wildfires and issues those have brought up recently. I know Alaska has been dealing with lots of earthquakes for a very long time and Argentina has also been facing wildfires. I also know that endangered animals and shrinking animal populations are a huge issue globally and all sorts of species are losing their homes and are diminishing in population. In Alaska, the whale population is greatly shrinking, especially from rising ocean levels and melting glaciers and ice as well as rising ocean temperatures. In Argentina, lots of animals are being affected by radiation and a uranium leak. In all of the places we live, we are trying our very best to combat these issues and come up with solutions and ways to make a change. We are trying to get our government's attention, some have found help through their government and others are still working hard to make them listen. I hope this will change soon and we will have people who will finally listen and also do something about it. Overall, all three case studies had lots of similarities as this issue is definitely a global one, but also differences as we all live in different communities and environments and are being affected differently. While reading the case studies, I noticed that we are all having trouble mitigating this giant issue as over the years we have all become so dependent on these things that are hurting the environment. We need to work even harder and together to stop this and to really make a change in the right direction.

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3 Comment(s)

Jaden Tomaszewski
Nov 25, 2020

I agree that a lot was learned through the bilateral conversation, things I hadn't even thought about before. I think it is a great idea to try to get the government involved and to hold them accountable for what is happening!

Andrea Beneke
Nov 17, 2020

Hey Clarabelle!

I'm glad to see that you have noticed that people have become too dependent on things that are damaging the environment, and it's quite inspiring to see that you are so willing to enforce change. Keep up the good work!

Taylor Doyle
Nov 17, 2020

Hi Clarabelle, 

Thank you for sharing your information. I know that Government help is greatly needed to help with the animal species which are decreasing, but is there anything you as the youth can do? You've said you are trying to come up with some solutions, can you share the solutions that you have come up with so far? You've also stated that we need to work harder and make a change in the right direction, how do you suppose we do that? Thank you for your information and I look forward to hearing more. 

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