Hannah,Calgary, carbon footprint

Nov 18, 2020 by Hannah

My carbon foot print was a lot higher then I would like it to be, But there are some things I can change and then there are some things that I cant. The things that I can change are take shorter showers,make sure I compost all things capable of being composted or making sure I turn off the lights when I leave a room and lastly carpool with people if we are all going to the same place.  One thing that I cant Change is where I live, living in Calgary is great but we use a lot of fossil fuels for everything. One example is we live in a cold climate for half the year and we have to heat our homes, and we do this by using fossil fuels. By just heating our homes over the cold mouths make a huge impact on my carbon foot print, hopefully we can find a more efficient way to heart our homes in the future well at the same time lowering our carbon foot prints.  I think it is becoming very important that we focus on lowering our carbon foot prints in the upcoming years but this is also going to come with challenges for many people. As lowering our emissions is not going to be cheep and a lot of country and even family are not going to be able to financially support theses changes. As buying a more foot print friendly cars are going to way more expressive then the cars we have now as well as switching from using fossil fuels which are affordably and used by most country to something like solar power energy which is more expensive and wont be an option for many family's that are not financial stable. I believe that our world will eventually be able to make a change and improve all of our carbon foot prints to a sustainable level. 

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1 Comment(s)

Abbi Booth
Nov 19, 2020

Hi Hannah,

I have visited Calgary during the winter so I understand how it can be difficult, if not impossible, to keep warm without using fossil fuels. I come from a city that has high temperatures half of the year, and we require the use of fossil fuels to keep us cool. I really like that you are able to identify ways that you can lower your carbon footprint, and whether or not it will be difficult. I hope to hear more from you!

-Abbi Booth, Townsville, Australia