Mia, Townsville, Australia, My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Sep 17, 2020 by Mia Forrest

My carbon footprint is approximately 8,813 kgs of CO2 per year. This is lower than the average carbon footprint in Australia, but significantly higher than the world wide average.  By category I found I most often had a carbon footprint lower than the average for my region. The exception to this trend was the transportation category. In this category my carbon footprint is significantly higher than the average for my region. This is likely because my family drives a large amount every day. In order to further reduce my carbon footprint I could try to cut down on the amount time I spend in the car. Unfortunately due to the location of my home in relation to school and town, this is not very practical. One category where my carbon footprint was significantly lower than average was in purchases. However, despite having a lower than average carbon footprint for Australia, my carbon footprint is still significantly higher than the worldwide average. The most practical place for me to improve my carbon footprint is around my home. This could involve making sure to turn of lights and fans when no one is around and avoiding the use of air conditioning. Although my carbon footprint is lower than the average for my region, I can always do more to further reduce it.

International Student Carbon Challenge

Based on your input, your total footprint is 8,813 kgs of CO2 per year, compared to an average of 11,771 kgs for Australia, and 3,791 kg (= 8,358 lbs) worldwide.


By category, your totals (in kgs) are:



Your region:


2,305 kgs

4,389 kgs


2,737 kgs

3,696 kgs


75 kgs

1,027 kgs


3,696 kgs

2,659 kgs







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1 Comment(s)

Nov 8, 2020

Hi Mia ! I see that we have a lot of common things concerning our footprint :) I really liked your post and I am sure you do the best you can ! The best of my wishes to Australia :))))

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