Keeley Alexander, Townsville, Australia: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Oct 22, 2020 by Keeley Alexander, Townsville, Australia

Using an online carbon footprint calculator, I was able to calculate that my footprint is about the same as other Australians but higher than the average human. At home I am under the average for my region’s emissions as when appliances such as fans, lights, tv and cooking stuff are not in use we turn them off at the wall. I am well under the average for purchases as I do not find a need to be continuously buying clothes when I have perfectly good ones already that I can just keep re-wearing. However, due to living in the north of Australia when competing in dance competitions we are always driving to other towns or flying to major cities. As well as my family travels overseas for holidays. This has made my transportation about six times the regions average. My carbon footprint reflects how Australia is a first world country and we can travel especially in Townsville as it is a 20hour drive to our state capital. However, we are still able to lower our carbon footprint in other areas such as purchases and at home.

To lower my carbon footprint, I can work on lowering my transportation emissions by finding an alternative way to get around Townsville such as walking, bike riding or public transportation. At home we can also reduce, reuse, and recycle more when it comes to the food we eat.

It is very interesting that how the worlds average CO2 emissions are low compared to how much pollution is emitted into the atmosphere from factories.

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