Karime Elizabeth, Huánuco, Perú: My Carbon Footprint

Oct 10, 2020 by Karime Elizabeth Juipa Alvarado

For this activity I used "Zero Footprint Youth" Calculator, the result was the next: 

The results of my carbon footprint is lower compared to those of my age; however, from my point of view my carbon footprint is not very planet friendly because I got an average of 2.03 planets. Thus, I recognized that I must improve on factors such as the use of electricity and feedingr; for which my actions to improve it are:

  1.  Using the stairs in exchange for the elevator.
  2.  Keeping the switches (of the TV, charger, etc.) disconnected when its are not being used.
  3.  Make food delivery orders a maximum of twice a month.
  4.  Eating meat twice a week and include more vegetables.

Thanks for reading, what would you advise me to improve my carbon footprint? I'll be reading you :)

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5 Comment(s)

Taylor Doyle
Oct 12, 2020

Hey Karime,

Thank you for sharing your carbon footprint, I do have a few questions though;

  1. Why is your carbon footprint lower than people your age?
  2. Will you commit to making those changes you suggested?
  3. By following the changes you suggested, do you believe it will dramatically change the planet friendliness?

I believe your goals to make change are both reachable and practical as they are easy to abide by. May I add a few suggestions such as hanging up clothes on a clothes line instead of using a drying, opening windows instead of using cooling mechanisms and maybe installing solar panels?

- Taylor

Hi Karime, I live in Queensland Australia, a great way to reduce your carbon footprint is eating locally sourced food that is organic and wrapped or packed in biodegradable packaging.

Hi Karime,

My carbon footprint was also quite high and not planet
friendly as I apparently use an average of 3.11 earths. I am also trying to
implement changes into my lifestyle to decrease my carbon footprint such as
also eating less meat, riding to school and turning off the lights when I am not
in the room.

- Monique, Townsville, Australia

Hey Karime! I love your suggestions in taking action :) How does your carbon footprint compare to your country's (average)? Only wondering because it's estimated that Australia has an average of 15 tonnes per year o-0

 -Princess :)

Abigail Evennett
Oct 11, 2020

Hi Karime, I found your blog post very interesting. A way to further decrease your footprint would to use more organic and locally grown food products. This will reduce the amount of processed foods and if the produce is grown locally they wont have to use as  much carbon through transportation.

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