Youth Justice, Ceilidh Hubbard, Townsville, Australia

Environment   Nov 18, 2020 by Ceilidh Hubbard, Townsville, Australia

Daisy Jeffery is a 17 year old, Australian climate activist from Sydney, Australia. She not only attends protests and strikes, but she also organises them. One of Daisy Jeffery’s most recent protest gained over 300,000 participants demanding change for climate, making it one of the biggest protests in Australia. Daisy also fights for gender equality as well as climate change. Daisy has helped many of her fellow students participate in School Strike 4 Climate protest which was created by Greta Thunberg another famous activist. She has even wrote a book about her experiences about being a youth activist and organising protests.

Many countries depend on fossil fuels a few of the main consumers of fossil fuels are China, India and the USA, but the biggest exporter are Australia and Saudi Arabia. The whole globe will be effected by climate change, but small island countries will be effected the most because the pollution will draw away there fish which is their main source of food, the sea levels will rise submerging the islands. Globally the summers will get hotter therefore increasing the amount of death related to heat like heat stroke and effect the elderly and homeless.

Some systematic problems changes Australia could make which could be bringing back carbon tax, which would encourage people to reduce their carbon use. More plantations could be used and more recyclable products including recycled timber to reduce deforestation. It would also be really efficient if Australia could use solar and wind energy since majority of Australia is windy and sunny.

Some things Pimlico State High School could do is get more solar panels installed because even though we already have some of the blocks run on solar energy, but we could do with more to make the school 100% renewable. The school also does a lot of printing so we could either reuse or recycle the paper.

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