Youth Climate Change Activist in Australia

Globalization   Nov 18, 2020 by Reece Alberich

Youth Climate Change Activist in Australia

Amelia Telford is an Aboriginal and South Sea Islander and the national director and founder of Seed, an offset of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC). Since the launch of seed in 2014 has inspired others to connect over the conversation of climate change. The focus of Seed is to give voice to those who are directly impacted by the effects of climate change. Originally Amelia wanted to become a doctor to help others in need. However, after learning of the threat of climate change and how the world needs people to speak out she became a climate change activist and now opposes this threat.

The country which has benefitted the most from fossil fuel consumption is Equatorial Guinea and yet they are not the country considered to be at most risk from climate change. It is predicted that African countries and regions the agricultural production and food security be severely compromised by climate change.

Australia should feel a moral obligation to help other countries who would be impacted by climate change more intensely. This is because we can build a better relationship with other countries by building this bond when Australia experiences issues from climate change others will also feel the need to help Australia. What Australia can do is give out technology, government grant, support and aid who are experiences effects of climate change and can not support themselves.

Ways Australia can make changes is by including water and electricity restrictions on homes to limit the amount they use. A way our schools can reduce carbon emission is by choosing to use renewable energy instead of non-renewable energy. We can also strive to each lower our carbon footprint in ways that could help each other. We could recycle more, use less transport when necessary and lower our water and electricity usage.

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