Bethany, Townsville, Australia

Environment   Nov 15, 2020 by Bethany Tsv Aus

After calculating my carbon footprint, I was surprised to find that the average for Australia is so high. Here in Townsville, it is really hot in summer months so we generally keep our air conditioning  running to cool down. Transportation wise, I try my best to walk to school when I can, however if my parents are offering to pick me up, I don't refuse as the walk is hot. This means I am adding to my own carbon emissions, but I try and find other ways to reduce my footprint. My family tried growing our own vegetables to cook our dinners with, and I try to eat packaged food less. We recycle our bottles and cans and use plastic containers for taking lunches to school and work as they are reusable. If we all try our best to think about our impact, we may reduce our carbon emissions. Thanks for reading!


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