Daniel, Greece Athens(capital): My carbon footprint.

Environment   Nov 10, 2020 by GEN-DanielG

Hello, I am Daniel, I live in Athens, Greece and I am here to talk about my carbon footprint.

For the calculation I used the "SCFC: Calculate Your Footprint" carbon footprint calculator, thankfully I found it easy to use the site and I recommend it for anyone interested (although I haven's tried any other calculator). My overall footprint was approximately  4,737 kgs which is well below average in Greece ( 9,047 kgs ) but higher than the worldwide average (3,791 kg). I scored very low on transportation as my home is just 16 minutes away on foot and every other transportation I make is close to me as the commercial center of the city is close to my home (and school). Also, I scored comparatively low as I use many clothes handed out by my neighbor, I really purchase anything (e.g electronics, clothing) and I try to recycle. I personally think I can improve on how much my family recycles. I think that when it comes to food I believe that my footprint is fine for an urban area such as Athens cause the accessibility to organic food is more expensive and thus less affordable in the long run. I believe I did well at home as I live most of the time alone and I only use my PC and I am only keeping open my office light bulb(most of the lights are the majority of the time turned off) and I do a good job keeping the room's lighting off when not used.

I was amazed when I saw that for humanity to sustain a stable atmosphere we have to produce just 1000 kg of carbon annually. I believe that we can help as humans and as residents of this planet but also we have to look at the big picture and consider how we can make a change on a governmental scale. Thanks for reading this blog and greetings from our beautiful Greece!

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11 Comment(s)

Dec 25, 2020

Hi,Daniel. My name is Ally. I am from Taiwan.Taiwan has an average carbon footprint of 19.6 kg per person per day, ranking first in Asia. Among all human activities, the largest source of carbon emissions is from meat consumption, use of air-conditioning, and transportation, which accounts for 55%. This is a huge gap from the UN’s recommendation of 5 kg per person per day. There is still a lot of room for improvement for Taiwan. Compared with other aspects, my score in daily life is much higher. I really admire that you can reduce carbon by walking, trying to eat organic foods and reducing the ingestion of food, which is difficult for many people. Although the process of reducing carbon is not easy, I believe that as a member of the global village, we should make a change for this world.Thank you for reading this review.

Hi Daniel,

This is really inspiring, I personally had a very high carbon foot print and would love to learn more ways I can reduce this. 

Reece Alberich
Nov 17, 2020

Hello Daniel,

It's great to hear how efficient you are with recycling and that your carbon footprint is lower than your countries average. I believe if we all try our best to reduce our carbon footprint we can reach the 1000kg yearly average needed.

Paige Stanek
Nov 15, 2020

Hi Daniel,

It is really interesting hearing your perspective on your Carbon footprint and your plan to increase recycling methods within your household. I look forward to collaborating with you  more throughout this project !

Riley Herrod
Nov 15, 2020

Hey Daniel, I am quite surprised how small your carbon footprint is compared to mine. Australia's carbon footprint average is around 11,000kgs per annum which is much larger that Greece's. Like your ideas of wanting to recycle, the community that I live In has many ways to recycle such as the containers for change incentive program where one recyclable bottle can be traded for ten cents. Australia has a minimum amount of organic foods, however, there is a large organic foods market every week that is full of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as biodynamic meats. I too believe it is possible for our bilateral communities to bring down our carbon footprint below 1000kgs

Hi Daniel,

It is very interesting to hear about your carbon footprint in Athens. Its good to hear you electricity and transportation footprint is so low as well as your overall average being lower than your country's average. Its good that you're aware of what makes your average so low and how you're trying to reduce it further :)

Ullysis Santiago
Nov 15, 2020

Hey Daniel, from townsville we are amazed on how your carbon footprint is lower than the average of your region's carbon footprint, really proud of you and keep it up :)

From, Ullysis Santiago (Townsville)

Andrea Beneke
Nov 12, 2020

Hi Daniel!

I am amazed to see that your carbon footprint is below the average for Greece. I noticed that you said you think you can improve on how much your family recycles, how do you think that you would do that?

I would love to hear from you.


Isabella Hockaday
Nov 11, 2020

Hey there Daniel!

It's so good to hear how much you are trying to lower your carbon footprint, sounds like  you are very efficient with your recycling and technology usage! I also walk as much as possible as I only live about 10 minutes away.

Keep up the great work! Also I hope to visit Athens one day, it sounds beautiful!!

Bella- Townsville, Australia

Hi Daniel, even though your over the carbon foot print average for the globe, its also really good see that even since your over the average your trying to decrease yours by making sustainable decisions. I look forward to hearing more about how the climate is changing in Athens.

Jai, Australia

Hana Fellows
Nov 10, 2020

Hi Daniel, it was great to see that you are making sustainable decisions in order to reduce your carbon emissions. While you are still over the global carbon footprint average, it is good to see your low average for your region. The food category is quite close to your region's average, which could make your emissions higher. A way you could reduce this is save and eat leftovers, compost the scraps in gardens and try not to waste food. Thank you for blogging!

Hana,  Australia

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