Manuella de Palma, Sao Paulo, Brazil: My Carbon Footprint

Oct 12, 2020 by Manuella de Palma

I believe that the carbon footprint calculator is the most eye-opening task. I truly think that everyone should do it at least once a year because it is about feedback and change. It is about awareness and recognizing the impact we can cause. It is about caring and doing the best you can every day to make the world a better place for those who will live here in the future.

It was when I did my first quiz that I finally realized why we should not only learn about the environmental issues but also do what we can to stop them from happening. Last year, my results got me chocked simply because I had the idea that global warming and deforestation were things distant from my reality, forgetting that indirectly or not, I was contributing to their aggravation. And once you get to know how much impact you have on this world, It is impossible to ignore and continue having this same negative habits.

I see now that my food choices are responsible for a huge part of my carbon footprint, and the most difficult aspect for me to change. Due to cultural matters, in Brazil we are used to eating a lot of meat and processed foods, so making more eco-friendly meals become a much longer and complicated process. However, I believe I am on the right track. After doing the New York Times Quiz, in which you have to inform some of the meals you had the day before to know how your diet contributes to climate change, It says that it was low, so my diet does not impact a lot on climate change. But still, I know there is so much also I can do.

As I said before, having eco-friendly meals is something I am most focused on, so I took another quiz referred to this same subject. On the eat low carbon quiz, two meals were presented and I had to choose which one is less harmful to the environment. I got 8 of 10 answers right and I was surprised because I really thought I would ace the quiz. It showed me one more time the importance of learning to afterward, knowing how to make better choices. This process of acquiring knowledge to then put it into practice is fundamental for you to realize where are you starting and being able to make it all the way through to where you want.

The most exciting part for me was redoing the zero footprint. I still remember my results from last year because my goal is to gradually reduce them. It previously suggested that I was responsible for 7 tones of CO and in order to bear my lifestyle, 3.2 earths would be needed. Now, the results were better but not as good as I wanted them to be. It said that I am responsible now for 5.8 tones and 2.6 earths would be needed to bear this new lifestyle. I am happy to see this improvement during the last year but I know I can do better.

That is just when the importance of enrolling in diversified environmental projects, mainly at my school, and also to constantly inspire others to the same in their communities, becomes clearer. Simple acts such as eating less meat and buying vegetables from small companies and farmers, using a bike or walking when doing your commute, bring positive aspects not only for the environment but for your health as well. Starting with small adaptations make it easier for you to feel this change happening inside you due to the various benefits they bring. In my case, I can say that they made a more proactive and patient person, and realizing that, motivated me to take larger and larger steps.

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5 Comment(s)

Hi Manuella, 

That is great that your Carbon Footprint is slowly decreasing!

Nov 15, 2020

Hi Manuella, 

It was so good to read that you had been able to make the step in reducing your carbon footprint in a space of a year. It would be hard to go against traditional and 'normal' and try and reducing meat. Do you believe you could become vegetarian? 


Nov 3, 2020

 I couldn't agree more with the points you make
! :)

Oct 29, 2020

Hello Manuella, I also agree with what you said when you stated that discovering what your carbon footprint emissions were, really gives someone insight on how bad they are treating the earth. Additionally, it is great that you know what you are talking about and that you can also give other people awareness on the impact that we are portraying onto the earth.

Brook and Regan
Oct 14, 2020

Hello Manuella!

Your blog post is amazing! You sound like you really care about this subject. We love how you mention self-improvement and your personal goal to have more eco-friendly meals. We totally agree that it's the little improvements over time that make the biggest difference.

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