James,St.Joseph's Academy,Las Pinas,Philippines

Oct 27, 2020 by James Andrew T. Baltazar

 I used the  International Student Challenge Carbon Footprint Challenge to calculate my carbon footprint

I always expected that my carbon footprint will be high as expected in the home category, because of the pandemic we are forced to do everyday activities at home. because of this my family consume a lot more energy than we used to do before the pandemic, online classes and work are one of the main reasons of our higher energy consumption.

My second highest category is transportation, Our family is always fond of having get-togethers so we travel a lot. We always went out for swimming or just eating outside during special occasions and I’m always taken to school in the morning and commute in the afternoon after school. For me to lower my carbon footprint I plan to ride a bike or use the   E-jeep when going to school.

My third category is food, when we go out we always buy food despite having food at home. I want to change the way I eat , because I want to have a healthy life and and at the same time I could save more money and use the money for much more important things

My fourth category is my purchases ,I'm not that kind of person that buys things that I don’t need. I only buy things when I needed it the most, especially clothes I only buy them ones a year because most of  my clothes are hand-downs from my cousins In the states.  

As a cop26 delegate, I need to be a role model for the environment ,showing the community how important it is to preserve our environment  because we only have one earth. So we need to take action before it is too late. Like my fellow delegate said "it is time to stand up for what we stand on ".    

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4 Comment(s)

Sophia Fernandes Almeida, São Paulo, Brazil

Hii, James!! Nice to meet you! My carbon footprint is higher in the "home" category, too...As you said, unfortunately, the pandemic made we spend much more energy than the usual at home! Also, my "purchases" category is my lowest one, which is another aspect I identify with you!! I usually only buy what I need, too! It will be nice to work with you during this project! :)

Hi James, I found your carbon footprint very interesting even though it was high I looked thought process you put into why it was higher than normal. I can relate to you about higher energy consumption during the pandemic and higher energy consumption cause I had to do the same thing. I also like the quote you used at the end "it is time to stand up for what we stand on ". Thank you for your blog.

Jai, Australia

Hana Fellows
Nov 11, 2020

Hi James, it is very interesting to see your carbon footprint and how you want to reduce it. While your footprint does go over your region's average, there are many ways  you and your family can make conscious actions to reduce this. The use of LED lights are a better alternative to save energy in your home. As you mentioned, there are other means of transport such as riding a bike and walking. I did not know what an E-Jeep was before, but after searching it up, it was interesting to see the other ways to get around. To ensure you aren't wasting food, you could save and eat leftovers later or compost any scraps. Thank you for your blog!

Hana, Australia

Raquel Jimenez
Oct 27, 2020

Hi James! I found interesting the way you described your situation with every category and I loved the quote "it is time to stand up for what we stand on" :) 

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