Mariana, San José, Costa Rica: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Nov 9, 2020 by Mariana Lara

For the past three years, I have been calculating my carbon footprint with Decarbonize Decolonize. Moreover, each year, the results provide a necessary reality check.

Each time I take the quiz, I prioritize making mindful decisions that will lower my emissions. However, this approach soon wears off. As time goes by, I revert to most of my previous habits, which is not okay. Nevertheless, now that I am a year older, even though it does not seem like much, I have a better understanding of the world around me. Now, my more mature self can identify the impact that my minuscule conveniences can have. Though my carbon footprint went down, this should not be an excuse to remain in my comfort zone. In a nutshell, this time, I am fully committed to transforming my lifestyle entirely.

However, this might not be as easy as it sounds, given the context I am in. I cannot rule every factor that plays into my carbon footprint. For instance, my country, often regarded as an eco-friendly pioneer, is not the most coherent with this narrative. For example, my country does not have an efficient public transportation service; therefore, I mostly find myself riding in a car by myself. This makes my transportation emissions more impactful, as I do not share my ride with others.

Nevertheless, my country is still environmentally friendly. About 99% of our electricity comes from green energies. Furthermore, Costa Rica is improving in climate change mitigation policies. Using it to its advantage as eco-tourism becomes more prominent by the minute.

Though my footprint is a reflection of my country's status, it also portrays the world's power imbalances. Imperialistic tendencies remain resilient, predominantly in small countries like Costa Rica. The gas used in our transportations is imported, which means that our transportation deficiency benefits a foreign corporate giant. Additionally, many international companies that settle in our country often want to be the puppeteers of our government. They bribe government officials to allow them to proceed with activities detrimental to our ecosystem, like in the case of Harken Holdings.

Overall, our carbon footprint pinpoints where we stand in the world. We might not be able to control every factor that comes into play; nonetheless, we can grow from our mishaps and develop into more eco-conscious beings.

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5 Comment(s)

Reece Alberich
Nov 18, 2020

Hey Mariana,

It's really inspiring to hear how you are always trying to reduce your carbon footprint. Your blog makes me want to really try to lower my carbon footprint by doing everything I can to lower it. It would be interesting to find out the average carbon emission for people in Costa Rica compared to Australia.

Riley Herrod
Nov 15, 2020

Hey Mariana, this blog really captures the carbon problems that are faced in your country, however it would be interesting to see the comparison between Costa Rica's average carbon footprint and Australia's.


Bethany Tsv Aus
Nov 15, 2020

Good on you! I love that you're learning from your experiences and finding new ways to try and lower your footprint. I also try to lower my carbon emissions when buying my favourite foods with lots of packaging or lying in the air conditioning for hours. As long as we all try our best!

- Beth

Hi Mariana, its good to here you being conscious and aware of your own carbon footprint, even to the extend to notice your smaller habits you wish to improve. Keep up the good work :)

Nov 11, 2020

Hi Mariana,

It's really exciting to see your enthusiasm to this project and how your optimism to change your ways. I must  agree I do the same thing! I walk to school everyday but when my mum gives me the opportunity to get picked up by car from school I take it. The summers here in Australia are really hot and we also use air conditioners a lot. But nonetheless, I try my hardest just like you :). Thank you for sharing!

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