Maximus, Saint Joseph's Academy, Las Pinas, Philippines: my carbon footprint

Environment   Oct 19, 2020 by Jose Maximus S Importante

I used the carbon footprint calculator from the international student challenge carbon footprint challenge to know how much my carbon footprint is per year. when I took the test I was expecting to have a lower or an average score but when the result came out my carbon footprint is really high. I feel like that my carbon footprint is not that accurate because of the fact that this is my first time doing it and most of my answer to calculate my answer is very general and no the specific making it not that precise.

I understand why in the home category is really high and its because that I am going to online classes 4 times a week and because of the usual temperature here in the Philippines which is usually hot and humid we cannot avoid using an electric fan at the fastest setting it has and because of the pandemic people cannot leave their houses to hang out or go shopping so people tend to use their phones or any gadgets to use social media. I personally  many gadgets and some of them are my phone my laptop and the electric fan but because of the result I got I will try to lessen my use of different appliances and gadgets and try my best to conserve.

In terms of the food category  I already expected that It would be above average because of the fact that in our household all us are boys and we usually eat more meat than veggies but because of this result I will open this topic with my parents and will try to convince them to change our diet or try to lessen eating more meats and try to have a better and healthier diet

in terms of the purchases category I feel like I  started buying more clothes during the pandemic even when this is the time when I am only at our house and not being able to go out. I feel like this is me being addicted to online shopping and I personally don't but that much of clothes because my parents usually buys them for me but I will still try to lessen my purchases especially during this pandemic.

In terms of transportation I usually commute and here in the Philippines there are a thing called jeep its like a mini bus without any aircon and that is what I ride to school. It only takes one jeep to take me to school and back to my home. with me being A student everyday I commute that is why my carbon footprint is what it is and in terms of flights I haven't went to any international ones and the last out of the country vacation that I went was back in 2017  and because of the pandemic I haven't went anywhere and  haven't ride a jeep or bus for almost half a year already.

But as a COP26 delegate and a proud student of Saint Joseph's Academy I would still like to lessen my carbon footprint and be a role model to all of the upcoming batches  and to make other people realize that if no one is going to save our earth then who is and if we wont change our lifestyle now then when? I will do my best to lessen my carbon footprint thanks to the calculator that made me realize all of these things.

I am proud to say that even though my carbon footprint rate is high I will do everything in my power to not only change and lower this but to also help and make other people realize that we need to save the earth.


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4 Comment(s)

Hi, Maximus! 

 My name is Sophia, I’m from Taiwan. I love your attitude about your result. As to the food category, I usually also eat meat more than vegetables, but recently I decided to change my diet and not eat meat. As for transportation, I can’t imagine sitting in a jeep without the aircon on a hot day because I live in the school dormitory. It must be hard for you!  Although I didn’t take the test, I think I should reduce my carbon footprint as much as possible.

Hi Maximus,

I found it interesting that you mentioned the pandemic negatively impacting your carbon footprint. I would have thought staying at home and not driving places would be the biggest difference, but you found that a number of habits actually increased your carbon footprint. While turning off your fan may not be possible during summer, I agree with you that regulating screen time is a great strategy. Lastly I just wanted to wish you luck with convincing your brothers to change their diet.

- Thomas Smith, Townsville, Australia

Oct 29, 2020

HI Maximus-

My name is Will Adams and im from Townsville, Australia. Through carefully looking at your carbon footprint I have noticed that it is seen that you are above average for your country (Philippines), not just that but worldwide as well as yours is 4,214 kgs of CO2 per year here compared to an average person from the philippins. Would love to see this amount of CO2 go down.

Kiana Demchuk
Oct 21, 2020

I agree with you, that we need to decrease our Carbon footprints for future generations after us. Also I agree houses are the most carbon footprint because we are using so much energy because of the changing temperatures either it would be winter or summer. I can relate with you when it comes to electronics because during the pandemic I was on my on my phone a lot more than I ever was. I was watching YouTube a lot and watching movies as well. I have to try and get myself detached from my phone a computer so I am not so addicted to them.  

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