Princess, Townsville, Australia: My carbon footprint

Environment   Sep 17, 2020 by Princess Danao, Townsville, Australia

In the International Student Challenge Carbon Footprint Challenge, my carbon footprint was calculated to be around 13,677 kgs, higher than the average global citizen. Even higher than Australia’s 11,771kgs, that reflects how well the economy is (albeit wasteful).


The results for home is reasonably low because instead of using air conditioner most of the time- we use fans set in a moderate speed. Purchases is also relatively small, as I tend to receive hand-me-downs and prefer to thrift more than shop. Food is nearly close to the region’s average as there are seven people in the household.


All of my results mentioned so far are fairly accurate but I believe that it’s more of an estimation of my actual carbon footprint due to the fact that I was uncertain of (basically forgot) the answers to a lot of the questions so the system had to use the average results as the answers.


There is also the added fact of the anomaly: Transportation. All of the answers I registered before the ‘airplane flights’ question was still within the vicinity of my region’s total average, and I believe that the results to the normal means of travel (ie public transit, buses and cars etc.) was accurate (well except for the missing blanks because I didn’t know what the answer was). Most were accurate except for the ‘airplane flights’ question. As the question asked for the number of airplane flights in the last year, I entered in the number of flights from last year as it’s not possible to go overseas this year because of covid19. To explain to non-English speakers last year exactly means from last year, but in the last year can perhaps suggests what happened in the past 365 days. It was eight flights (round trips included) last year in around January. The problem is, it is not necessarily per year or so (because the results is calculating my total footprint per year), I usually only take flights once every 3 years (though I admit that the number of times was going to slowly increase in the present time if there was not a certain disease going around).


Despite everything, the questions asked made me realize that I should be way more aware of my surroundings, how I’m using them and keeping it in mind to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide (in relation to me). This was very evident when I realized that I didn’t have the answers to a lot of the questions because I wasn’t paying attention to how much waste I make, how much water and electricity I use, etc.

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4 Comment(s)

Hi Princess! :) I've noticed you 'forgot' some of your answers, what do you think they'd be now that you have had time to remember/research your answers? How would it have effected the end result?  I've seen that your transportation footprint is much higher than my own of 78kgs. How do you think you could lower it?



IBFs forever

Hi Princess!!!!!!!!!!!, i was just wondering do you think you use more single use plastics or less because you have a big family? and would you like to be my IBF (internet best friend)(:

I definitely think that my household uses more plastic bags (for rubbish/waste) compared to families that have less than 7 people, and yes, I will accept your invitation to be your IBF :))))

Hi Princess!!, I think you commented on my blog so i thought i would comment on yours. I find it pretty surprising that you have 7 people in your house hold, what meals do you eat with that amount of people?

Hey Ceilidh! Nice to meet you on my blog post :) can you specify more with your question?

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