Evan, Townsville, Australia

Oct 11, 2020 by Evan Hodgson

To calculate my carbon footprint I used this website found that my carbon footprint is less than my countries average. Australia’s average carbon footprint is high in comparison to the world’s average. This is because Australia is a developed country, a stable economy, and a strong established government. These characteristics are commonly shared by countries with high carbon emissions. The categories I scored significantly less in were purchases and home. The reason I scored less in purchases is because I very rarely buy new clothes. The reason home is lower than average is because I run my air-conditioning much less than most Australians over the year. The only category I scored above average on was food. This was a surprise to me as I thought I would eat less meat than an average Australian. The category transportation is the one I would like to decrease by riding places rather than travelling by car.

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1 Comment(s)

Nov 10, 2020

Hey Evan, 

You seem to eat a lot of food in comparison to the Australian average, is there any particular reason for this?

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