Reece, Townsville, Australia: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Sep 18, 2020 by Reece Alberich

The average COproduceed by Australian each year is 11,771kgs. My foot print is roughly about half the average (5,899kgs) which means my excess resources could be used by someone else. Due to Townsville being fairly small my transport CO2 emissions are about half the average for my region. Everything is also quite close together which means most places are in walking distance. Another factor which helps reduce my CO­2 emissions is that my uses mostly solar energy and recycle most of our rubbish.

After calculating my carbon footprint I have realised there are areas I could work on do have an even lower carbon footprint. Such as I could use the electric dryer less or open the windows instead of using fans to cool my room. I would like to ask how much people recycle to see if this is a major impact on people’s carbon footprint. Overall I would like to further reduce my carbon footprint in areas such as food and encourage other people to take a carbon footprint quiz so they can do the same.

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1 Comment(s)

angus shephard
Nov 15, 2020

hey Reece its nice to see that you have a very low average carbon usage and that you have put some thought into it.  I have solar to its cool that you have solar however it does not work at night. 

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