Amelia, Townsville, Australia: Carbon Footprint

Sep 16, 2020 by Amelia Wright, Townsville, Australia

My Carbon footprint is 5,733kg of CO2 per year, compared to the Australian average of 11,771kg, but it is a little more that the worldwide average of 3,791kg. My footprint is accurate as I hardly ever travel by vehicle and I limit my use of gas powered products. Although, I should reduce my Carbon emission usage by limiting the amount of air conditioning I use. I have a low carbon footprint for my transportation's I need to work on my carbon while at home . 

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3 Comment(s)

katie behrendorff
Oct 13, 2020

hey Amelia,

Thank you for sharing your carbon footprint, it was very interesting to see that you're doing really well to keep the environment safe and healthy. I too need to cut back on the amount of air-conditioning I use and maybe just stick to fans or open some windows.  

Kiera Croghan
Oct 11, 2020

Hi Amelia, its interesting that Australia's carbon footprint is so much higher than the world average. Why do you think that is?

Hey Amelia, I've noticed that you haven't really answered as to how your footprint reflects the economy/ status/ location/ politics of the country? What new ideas/realizations extended and pushed your thinking in new directions? And what is still challenging or confusing for you to get your mind around? - Princess:)

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