Climate Justice Blog, Anneke, Townsville

Nov 18, 2020 by Anneke

Youth are taking control of the media, advertising in a way that boomers wouldn’t have thought of. Australian Youth Climate Coalition is one of the big campaigns that youth participated in to advertise climate change. They have a website, can set up donations, and can use social media platforms that are directed at youth in particular, like Instagram, Snapchat and more.

China, the United States and India have benefited the most from using fossil fuels, although USA is the most. USA is the most significant emitter of greenhouse gasses in the world. In terms of both total and per capita emissions, it is among the largest contributors. The temperature of the USA is theorised to increase by 2 – 5 degrees Celsius compared to the rest of the world that is only increasing by 2 – 3 degrees Celsius. The USA is going to experience coastal flooding, larger precipitation events, heat waves, forest fires, drought, hurricanes, and atmospheric rivers.

The clearest present-day impacts of climate change in Australia and elsewhere are seen in the natural environment, and are associated with warming temperatures and increases in the number, duration and severity of heatwaves. These impacts include changes in the growth and distribution of plants, animals and insects; poleward shifts in the distribution of marine species; and increases in coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef and Western Australian reefs. Some of these changes can directly affect human activities; for example, through the effects of changing distributions of fish and other marine organisms on commercial and recreational fisheries, and the impacts of coral bleaching on tourism.

The Climate Solutions Package is an additional $3.5 billion investment to deliver on Australia’s 2030 Paris Agreement commitments, building on existing climate change mitigation policies and programs.

The package includes:

· The Climate Solutions Fund, a $2 billion investment to build on the success of the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) and continue investment in low cost abatement

· Support for a range of new energy efficiency measures for homes, businesses and community organisations

· funding to develop a national strategy for electric vehicles that will examine public and private charging infrastructure, integration with the electricity system, industry opportunities and barriers to uptake · further investment and support for pumped hydro projects like the Snowy 2.0 and Marinus Link

Australia and Germany have signed a new agreement for a joint feasibility study to investigate the supply chain between the two countries on hydrogen produced from renewable energy.

The joint feasibility study will span production, storage, transport and use of renewable hydrogen. It will also assess current technology and research, and identify barriers for the development of a hydrogen industry.

Systemic changes that Australia can make that would help us towards climate justice would be to listen to the people more, my school uses solar panels instead of using electricity so they could install more and for cheaper, build resilience to climate risks by replanting forests and looking after the environment. Australia can apply a litter fine, and inforce it more. Schools could do the same.

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