Arthur Quinello, São Paulo, Brazil - Youth Climate Justice Advocate

Environment   Nov 23, 2020 by Arthur Quinello

One of the most important voices of the generation in Brazil’s Climate Fight is Odenilze Ramos, a 22 years old activist for the climate and environment. She was born in a  community that lives near a river and depends on it almost entirely. 

 Odenilze is the creator of ‘Somos Filhos da Floresta” a project that fights against deforestation and pollution. Consequently, this project has faced climate issues and tried to stop them. 

Her work is recognized as an important support not only for the local communities but also for the national activist team that try everything to keep the Amazon Rainforest, the most important rainforest in the world, safe. 

In the link below you will find an interviwe with Odenilze in portuguese for one big and important newspaper in Brazil:,amazonia-nao-e-minha-causa-e-minha-casa,70003018900

Also, you will fin in the link below an article, in portuguese too, not just about Odenilze but other young climate advocates:

The fight of Odenilze to protect Amazonia Rainforest represents how countries that aren’t the biggest responsables for carbon emissions and climates issues are the most affecteds. The most powerful contries are the ones that have the highest levels of carbon emissions. It means they get more and more powerful and rich everyday with their industries and the rest of the world, like poor countries, has to deal with the crisis. The most important bioms and natural reserves in the wolrd are located in places that are not directly response for the climate changes or the high level of emissions but are these places that have to face the climates and try to procted the remanescent of nature in our planet.

 Nations like China and USA (the two biggests carbon emissors in 2018) should start reduce it by preventing their factories or industries from pollute the air with huge levels of carbon. It would help the most vunerable nations, like the countries in Africa or Latin America that have big portions of forests and biodiversity,  to repair some of the problems.

In Brazil, not only work of activists will help. The solar energy should be a reaity for the population so the emissions by eletrical energy would reduce. In adiction, the most imposrtant cause is to preserve our natural biodiversity and protetc the diferente forests and bioms we have here. Amazon, form example, is important for the world’s sake and it has to be keep safe from deforestation and climate changes. 

Some projects related with both the two topics already happen at my shcool; we have solar painels that provides the majority of energy for the building and there are projects to presevre the vegetation around school.

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1 Comment(s)

Jaden Tomaszewski
Nov 25, 2020

I agree that countries emitting large amounts of carbon emissions need to reduce numbers and find a solution. I like that you mention that not only activists can change the issues, I agree that renewable energy should be a main solution. I love what your school is doing o mitigate the issue!

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