Yasmine Magtuba, Philippines

Nov 11, 2020 by Yasmine Grace S. Magtuba

I gained several takeaways and learnings with our bilateral partner, Australia. They are from Pimlico State High School. I felt so delightful to meet all of them, and they were also amazing to be with.

With this bilateral meeting, it allowed me to know their country more like the fact that there are three times as many sheep than people living in Australia. I realized that they also encounter the impacts of natural disasters such as cyclones, droughts and floods like here in our country, the Philippines.

I found out that the central issue that they are currently facing right now is the Unconventional gas exploration in Victoria. I discovered that there are three different forms of Unconventional gas and the production of this has various health risks and a threatening remark concerning climate change. I learned that this environmental issue carries a huge influence on the world. Also, it is bound to multiple short and long term impacts like it lead to injuries related to accidents and spills, global warming, groundwater pollution, which can lead to loss of water volume in lakes, streams and so on. It was so good to know that The Victorian Government declared that it would introduce enactment to permanently ban the exploration and development of unconventional gas which can reduce the impacts of global warming and the use of greenhouse gasses.

Moving on to our country, the Philippines, we presented various environmental issues that include deforestation, marine life, greenhouse emissions, water and air pollution, plus we focused on the Manila Bay White Beach Project as our principal issue.  This project seeks to imply cleanliness, but on the other hand, the dolomite sand harms marine life when washed off by the ocean. This plan is also bound to several impacts like respiratory issues, water bird site and the most likely effect on marine life. The government of the Philippines recognized this environmental issue but, most of the responses expressed were the funds for this project should be allocated for more relevant matters like aid for the poor, especially in this time of the pandemic. We can also sign petitions like the campaign created by Living Laudato Si' Philippines  as a way to call on the government and other officials to investigate why this beautification project pushed through.

Being part of this bilateral meeting was a pleasure. This meeting became a great experience for all of us. It is so gratifying that we are being exposed to what's happening around us. It is good to know that as the youth of today, we are all willing to take action on what we understand, develop awareness and cooperate in this conference across the world to make a difference and combat all the climate issues that our world is facing nowadays.

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3 Comment(s)

Nov 16, 2020

Hello Yasmine, your bilateral blog is very impressive and it is so good to see that you took something out of the conference that related to Australia, (there are three times as many sheep than people living in Australia) because I definitely learnt something new about Philippines, (58% of your ground water is contaminated).


Thanks for that, Davis! :)

- Yasmine

Hi Yasmine,

You have a really good Bilateral Blog! It awesome to see you've learned a lot about Australia, I know I learnt a lot about the Philippines. This included learning about the deforestation occuring, the greenhouse emisson and more. Look foward to hearing from you soon.


Hi Amelia,  Thank you, you're amazing!  :)

- Yasmine

Nov 11, 2020

Hello Yasmine!

We have a dedicated season to cyclones and rain. The unconventional gas exploration is something w're glad to be addressing . I'm glad we took away a good amount of knowledge about our respective countries.

- Anneke, Australia

Hi Anneke!

Absolutely! Many thanks also to your team for having a great discussion with us! :)

- Yasmine

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