Preisianne Britinah Perez, Philippines

Nov 10, 2020 by Perez Preisianne

Our bilateral partner from the Pimlico High Townsville, Queensland Australia has been very awesome! I love their energy and their friendliness with all of us. Just by remembering those times makes me very happy and excited everytime that I can't even express it with my shyness though, but with my writings maybe would do. I hope we got that kind of energy there in the Philippines, but maybe it is just me since the people there are really energetic and welcoming too. 

As the meeting starts, the Australians explained about their climate crisis going on which is about the production of unconventional gases that destroys health and contributes further complications for the climate change. They also mention of course about the backgrounds of their country and as I almost forgot, they got the exotic animal fellows. I love kangaroos though with their jumping abilities and their features. I was also shock about the fact that sheep have more population to contribute than the people there. That makes me wow. Well, who would have thought that sheep already prove that they have more population than the chickens from the restaurants? Kidding aside, I hope it does not make a bad benefit about it though.

What I also like about the Australian folks is that they are very open for each other. The Victorian Government responds to such crisis and bans the production of unconventional gases. The people there are always being acknowledged by the higher ups that it makes me want to wish that we also got that kind of government. Philippines on the other side, have this hot issue going on about using dolomite sands for the 'beautification' of the Manila Bay. I don't know what our government is thinking though. Even our scientists were shocked about the fact that dolomite is being filled out from the beach of Manila Bay. They didn't even recommend it since the dolomite dusts gives diseases for our health especially the respiratory system. I don't know their plan, but they use some of our funds, taxes, or money for that and honestly, I really wish that it is worth it than the pandemic that is going on. As for our youth action, we try to sign a petition about the problem so that our government would hopefully acknowledge us this time. We got some ideas too about contributing for the climate change like promoting the use of solar energy and urban gardening. It could be bit by bit, as long as hopefully, we would still try to fight against climate change.

What differs us from the Aussies is the communication we have from each other in our own countries. The Aussies are really very open since their voice are being heard and are being acknowledged while as for us, well, few of us are just being heard and acknowledged. I really hope that there would come a time that we will really unite as one too. I don't want to have doubts about this really especially when the time has come to that. Maybe that is why we are not united yet. We are not that ready yet. Maybe few are, but most of us are not as a whole community. We got a long way to go, I suppose, but what I like about the Philippines is that we never give up. As you can see, we always wanted to be one of the top. We are talented and unique in our own ways. We are very genki (energetic and fun). So maybe that is fine.

Well as you can see, why are we here anyway? We shouldn't be here if we don't acknowledge about climate change, and yet we are here. With some news I saw from the social media sites, the Philippines have been number one for fighting against climate change for about 50 plus percent in the whole world. I don't want to see it as a problem because I want us to be a motivation for the whole world that even for our small country, we got the biggest heart that we ever got when it comes to dedication and determination for our country and for the whole world. People sure here are really energetic right? Even I can feel it flowing, maybe not face to face because of my shyness, but from my writing opportunity here. Thanks for having us

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4 Comment(s)

katie behrendorff
Nov 18, 2020

Hello Preisianne, 

I am happy that you enjoyed the conference with us, unfortunately I was unable to attend but I still collected a bunch of facts and statistics about your climate issues. I had no idea dolomite sand was a issue until the conference I think It is absolutely amazing what knowledge we can collect from a video call. I hope to talk to you and your school again soon :) 

Hi Preisianne, 

It was very interesting to hear about the issue in the Philippines about the Dolomite Sand, I actually did not know about it until the conference. I thought that you guys were really enthusiastic and welcoming .  I also love Kangaroos and find it interesting about how high they can jump!

Mya Sopronick
Nov 11, 2020

It is so good to hear that you enjoyed the bi-lateral meeting. Sadly I was not there and I regret not going now hearing that everyone had a lot of fun. From reading this it really doesn't sound like your shy, but I can relate to it being a bit scary talking to complete strangers. Australia too has a long way to go to get back on track. From what I have heard from my peers I would also agree that the Philippines are "Genki". Everyone seemed to have had fun as well as learn something new about each other.

I'm glad you learned a lot from the power point and i'm sorry that you struggle to get your voice heard. It was very fun and interesting to meet you guys and i also learnt a lot from your presentation and now i am more informed on the climate issues in the Philippines. 

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