Sofia Elphick, Australia

Education   Nov 10, 2020 by Sofia

I learnt from the other students in the Philippines mainly about how in a way we are so lucky to be in Australia. For example, the Filipino students are still in lockdown and on online schooling since March. Whereas our lockdown ended at the end of May. I also learnt about the level of pollution that the Philippines have in terms of the air, water and land.

Our case studies were similar in the fact that they were both environmental impacts. The Philippines case study was of the dolomite mining in Cebu which gets transported and effectively dumped into Manila Bay for aesthetic purposes. Our case study was of the unconventional gas exploration in Victoria which can lead to multiple environmental impacts and effects on the local communities. Their case study was different to ours in terms of the fact that they don’t necessarily have a permanent solution to end the dolomite mining, however, given they win the petition and ultimately get the sand removed, they plan to implement mangroves so it can act as a barrier against the multiple typhoons they face each year. Another similarity is that the youth action for the Philippines included how they implemented petitions as a result, and we protested, started petitions as well and public campaigns.

Firstly, our case study was acknowledged by the Government and the unconventional gas exploration in Victoria was banned permanently however, the rest of Australia is yet to be the same. Whereas in the Philippines the government has acknowledged the issue, but chose to implement a petition than a permanent solution.

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