Lia, Costa Rica. My Carbon Footprint

Oct 30, 2020 by Lia Vargas

The carbon footprint calculator gave me an inside look at how I utilize resources related to my country. I thought that the pandemic might give nature a much-needed time to breath and detox from humanity’s excessive and damaging activities, however I have now acknowledged that is not the case.  I believe that my footprint has to do with the offers that there are in my country, normally the ecofriendly and sustainable products or activities are exorbitantly more expensive. I also believe that some peoples footprint is not as high because the inequalities that there are in my country; they do not have the ability to purchase some products or to do some activities. So, on one hand there is the offer that the country gives us, that most of them are reserved for a small group of people; and the inequalities that many face. I feel like I must address that my country does have 98% renewable energy, however the products that are sold are not sustainable and if they are, they are very expensive and the activities like going by train or bus are not tentative because they are very inconvenient.

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1 Comment(s)

Hana Fellows
Nov 15, 2020

Hi Lia, it is great to see that you have learnt a lot from calculating your carbon footprint. It would also be helpful to know which category is bringing your average up and which category you may need to make more sustainable decisions. It is interesting to learn how making more sustainable choices regarding  climate change, is made difficult and inconvenient where you live even though your country has 98% renewable energy. Keep trying to reduce your carbon footprint and make sustainable choices! Thank you so much for your blog!

Hana, Australia

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