Abigail, Calgary, Canada, Carbon Footprint

Oct 22, 2020 by abi

My carbon footprint averaged around 3.36 Earths. I think that my footprint is so high is because I live in a house with four other people including me would be 5. My parents have to drive to work almost every day due to their work being located on opposite ends of the city. My brother also has tons of medical issues so he very often has to travel around the city to different hospitals and medical care centers. I live in Calgary and the weather can change very rapidly here going from a really warm day to snowing, so heating the house would take part in my high footprint. We also use lots of water, having a 5 person family we go through laundry pretty quickly. I don't live too far away from the school so I walk every day. To reduce my carbon footprint I think that we could stop using as much water, meaning washing clothing less and taking shorter showers. Using less electricity, turning off lights when we leave the rooms. 

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6 Comment(s)

Bethany Tsv Aus
Nov 15, 2020

Hey Abigail! Sounds like you're trying your hardest to reduce your carbon emissions where you can, given your situation. Keep up the good work! In my family of four we have installed solar panels so our water for showers is heated through that instead of using electricity to heat it up.


Hi Abigail, after reading your blog I see that you have a high carbon footprint and I believe its great that your putting in effort to reduce it!

Jai, Australia

Mitchell Brown
Nov 11, 2020

Hi Abigail,

I see that you have quite a high carbon footprint and I believe it is great that you are working on reducing that!

- Mitchell, Townsville, Australia

Jaden Tomaszewski
Nov 8, 2020

I also live in Calgary and I find it comforting to know that other people are also surprised at how high their carbon footprint is compared to others. It is great that you are able to walk to school every day even with the sometimes harsh weather conditions! I agree that I could also reduce my water and electricity use.

Hi Abigail!

I can see you have a high carbon footprint and that your working hard to reduce it! Some things you could try is carpooling with people to get to places, making less car emission, or possibly get solar panels if you don't already.

-Amelia, QLD Australia

Nov 4, 2020

Hi Abigail, I'm glad you're trying to reduce your footprint despite having the odds against you.

- Anneke, Townsville, Australia

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