Poland 1, Katowice, Poland, my carbon footprint

Environment   Oct 21, 2020 by Zuzanna

   The carbon footprint describes the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, mainly CO₂, resulting from the consumption of energy needed to produce food, goods, car travel, plane flights or watching your favorite TV series on the Internet. It is expressed in the carbon dioxide equivalent in kilograms or tonnes. Road transport in Poland is one of the main sources of air pollution and related heart and respiratory diseases.

   Poland is quite a wealthy country, so even an average Pole leaves a carbon footprint more than half the world average, which is about 6 tons of CO2 per person per year. Taking the overall ecological footprint into account, the results are in line with the carbon footprint. The average Pole consumes so much that his resources are finished on May 19 (a German on May 2, and an American on March 15). The carbon footprint clearly exposes a long-known truth - a few the most rich people consume as much as millions of the poor, which means that ten percent of the richest people in the world are responsible for 40-50 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

    Based on my input, my total footprint is 7,640 kgs of CO2 per year, compared to an average of 6,526 kgs for Poland, and 3791 kg (= 8358 lb) worldwide. My footprint terrifies me but also I want to change my lifestyle to help our planet. My carbon footprint is that big because I drive a car to school everyday. I have complicated public transport to school so my parents decided to buy me a car. I am an IB student, only 2 schools in Katowice offer this program so I need to drive 30km both ways. Traveling by car is easier, saves time but is very bad for environment.

  I can't reduce my carbon footprint by decrease of usage of car. I will reudce eating meat. That's a big factor.  The carbon footprint that a vegan leaves behind is about 2.5 kg of CO2 per day, a vegetarian  3.2 kg of CO2. In turn, carnivores leave 7 kg of CO2e a day and eat about 100 g of meat. Second thing I'm gonna reduce is buying 
unnecessary clothes. I have to admit that this is my little addiction. I will try to buy as little as possible and only required  clothes.

     The question that still bothers me is "what else can I do to lessen my carbon footprint?" 

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