Chinsia, Townsville, Australia: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Oct 12, 2020 by Chinsia Burns, Townsville, Australia

My carbon footprint (6,552kgs) is below average compared to everyone else in Australia (11,771kgs) however it is quite noticeably higher than the worldwide carbon footprint (3791kgs). Compared to my region, my carbon footprint is well below my region in terms of the categories listed. The closest that my footprint is to that of my region, is in the home category where my carbon usage is 3353kgs and my region is 4389kgs. I believe that this is because, at home my family uses the air conditioning almost every day of the year, to keep our house cool due to our warm climate in Australia. We also use lots of electricity to power our appliances and lights, however we always try our best and even implement little things into our daily routine to reduce our carbon footprint as much as we can. We compost, recycle, use cold water for our washing machine and use the least amount of water possible when washing dishes. Therefore, for me and my family to do our part and reduce our carbon footprint as much as we can, we can decrease our usage of cooling systems in our house when it is not particularly necessary, which is not only good for the environment, but would also benefit us financially as well, by decreasing our power bill.

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1 Comment(s)

Oct 13, 2020

Hi Chinsia, 

I love the way you balance out your use of electricity by trying to be more environmentally friendly.  Hopefully over time your carbon footprint decreases and you become more energy efficient.

 - Hollie  

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