Campbell, Townsville, Australia: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Sep 24, 2020 by Campbell Forman

My carbon footprint is approximately 6,178 kgs of CO2 each year. 

This amount is lower than my countries average however it is considerably higher compared to the worlds average at 3,791 kgs. It is difficult to determine where I need to improve as my results are already lower compared to my region. In each category my results are fairly low but can still be improved to further reduce my carbon footprint.

The results were obtained due to the fact that I don't make many unnecessary purchases and I don't use a heater in my house due to my city’s already warm climate. However, my transportation is relatively high as it takes a long time to either walk or take a bus to get to my school. It is also not common to take public transport as my city is very spread out and not very dense or busy. In order to improve my carbon footprint further would be to reduce my air conditioning usage and increase my composting efforts. Not only do I need to improve my carbon footprint but also the rest of my country. Australia wastes around 7.3 million tonnes of food each year and this must be improved in order to make a real difference and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. 

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very nice!

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