katie Behrendorff, Townsville, Australia

Environment   Sep 18, 2020 by katie behrendorff

After taking the survey and calculating my carbon footprint, I was very surprised and mainly shocked about my results to see that it was higher than the average for Australia. Based on my input my total carbon footprint is 14,360 which is well above the average, to make this number incredibly smaller I can improve on my ‘home’ and ‘transport’ categories which are 4,013kgs and 7,349kgs per year. Some ways to improve this is by trying to do the little things such as turning off lights and fans when leaving the room and even riding to school or places not too far away from me. I believe that my family and I could do so much better to become more included in the planet and get the carbon footprint under the average total. Another thing to improve on could be too recycle more of our used goods and not buy as much packaged items even though some items have no other choice. I believe that if we worked on the small things step by step it will improve our chances of lessening our carbon footprint and become more environmentally stable.

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1 Comment(s)

Evan Hodgson
Nov 1, 2020

I'm curious why your carbon emissions for transport are so high (7,349 kg). What causes you to use your car so much more. Have you recently got your licence, or live far away from school?

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