Anneke, Townsville, Australia, Carbon Footprint

Environment   Sep 17, 2020 by Anneke
My carbon footprint is 4'719kgs of CO2 per year, compared to the average of 11'771kgs my carbon footprint is much smaller. Although in relation to the rest of the world's average of 3'791kgs it is only roughly 900kgs more. My carbon footprint is very accurate, I don't make very many new or useless purchases and buy most of my clothes from thrift stores or use hand-me-downs. I also limit the amount of gas powered appliances. I would be able to lessen my carbon footprint by limiting the amount of time on the computer and turning off power points that are not in use, given that, I need to work on my carbon emissions at home more than my purchases. 

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3 Comment(s)

Hey Anneke! I see our Purchases footprint are the same, that's very cool. I just wanted to ask why you think you food footprint is the highest and what you could do to reduce it?

Oct 11, 2020

Hi Amelia, we must have a lot of hand-me-downs then. I eat a lot of meat, I don't think this website took into account leftovers.

Hi Anneke, I was just wondering how many people are in your household and you used apostrophes in your numbers instead of commas.

Oct 11, 2020

Hey Ceilidh, I live with 3 other people. All together that makes 4 of us.

Hey Anneke :) I'm curious- How does your footprint reflect the economy/ status/ location/ politics of the country? What is still CHALLENGING or confusing for you to get your mind around? - Princess

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