The Plastics Crisis by Sophia-Affiliated HS, Taiwan

Jan 6, 2021 by AHSofChungHsingTW-17

      Due to global warming, there have been a large number of environmental problems, such as climate change, sea-level rise, plastic problems, forest fire and many other elements. When it comes to plastic, the convenience and cheapness of it comes to our mind because we can see and get it simply in daily life, like plastic bags, plastic bottles, and other items. However, according to the report from the United Nations, people produce nine billion pound plastic items a year but only nine percent are recycled; others are burned as trash or go into the ocean and lead to the deaths of marine life. This shows we are in the plastic crisis, so we should reduce the use of plastic, use reusable products and do a good job on recycling. Let’s make a difference together! 

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