Blog Post Ben Alberta Canada

Nov 16, 2020 by Ben Rutschke

The Bilateral meeting with another country from the other side of the world, Ghana was very interesting and informative. It showed me that people around the world face different and the same challenges that we have brought upon ourselves. Ghana for instance, faces problems like deforestations, contaminated water and loss of critical habitat for a number of endangered species that require it. There are some differences too, such as how the water is contaminated and what species in what habitats are at risk. We also seem to face different challenges, such as high poverty rates and lack of good resources in Ghana, where in canada the government stops or helps our climate policy. Ghana faces epidemics from rising sea levels and overfished coasts, as does Canada. This is why we must work together to solve these issues hand in hand. And although in Canada our rivers are contaminated by leaching from mines and drills, whereas Ghana’s from not properly treated water into rivers we must work together to find innovative solutions to clean them up. We have many problems and only by working together can we find solutions that will work for us all while keeping costs down and harm to the economy or environment down.

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