Ysabelle Basa, Philippines

Environment   Nov 5, 2020 by Ysabelle Marie F. Basa

              My bi-lateral experience with the students of Pimlico High in Australia was wonderful. They were very bubbly, friendly, and comfortable to have a conversation with. From them, I gained knowledge of the issues they are facing. Namely the bush fires, droughts, floods, cyclones, and other natural disasters that were worsened by climate change. Enticing facts from their country were also given. I was shocked when they mentioned that the number of the flock of sheep is more than the population of those who live there. They focused on the exploration of unconventional gas in Victoria because its production gives a threat to an individual's health and climate change. This can cause groundwater pollution that can lead to the reduction of water volume in streams, lakes, etc. The government has already taken its action on this issue. They would be introducing legislation that would completely ban the exploration and development of unconventional gas. Their school gave a feasible and attainable response to this problem.

        Moving on to our country, the Philippines, we have been experiencing rampant natural disasters. Most people would say that this is normal, but the impact and devastation of these issues were made greater because of human activities that manifest one's ignorance to the environment. Typhoons lead to floods. Floods that can be lessened if only people are more aware of their disposal actions and if there is a proper sewage system. The greenhouse gas emissions that are released into the atmosphere should not be neglected too. Other issues like water pollution, air pollution, and deforestation are very grave here. The main issue that we have tackled is all about the dumping of Dolomite Sand in Manila Bay as artificial white sand. This is a project initiated in 2019, named the Manila Rehabilitation of Manila Bay. P28 million has been spent on the production of crushed dolomite, and the remaining P389 million were for the prevention of the dolomites from being washed away. The problem in this project is that it is not timely, given the present situation we are in (covid19). Also, the production of the dolomite in Alcoy, Cebu was not permitted by the residents living there. The corals within 500 meters of the mining site have been destroyed. It is also said the the "dolomite dust" produced from this quarrying gives its residents various respiratory diseases. The students of UP Diliman offers help that instead of the dumping of dolomites, to plant Mangroves for this beautification project. There were various petitions that were signed. As a democratic country, the cries of the citizens are given much importance, so this can create an impact.

        I am now aware that both of our countries are facing floods and typhoons that worsened because of global warming. The temperature there is humid too. Both our governments implemented to ban the given issue. The Victorian government banned the production of unconventional gas, while here in the Philippines, our government suspended the Dolomite Mining Corp. and Philippine Mining Service Corp. when they allegedly destroyed the corals near the site.  Also, our main topics give serious threats and permanent damage to the bodies of water. 

      This meeting gave way for us to communicate and give thoughts about the issues from a different point of view. I can definitely say that this is fruitful, and our objectives were attained. We are encouraging everyone to sign petitions, do protests, and be aware of the occurrences not just in your country but to what is happening in this world to fight climate change.

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3 Comment(s)

Nov 18, 2020

Hi Ysabelle,

It's great to hear your opinion on our unconventional gas presentation. It's devastating to hear about all the impacts your country in currently facing. I prey for you and your country and hope your petition goes through. 

- Hollie Vincent

Nov 10, 2020

Hello Ysabelle,

It is wonderful to hear from you, about your thoughts from our unconventional gas exploration presentation. The climate change impacts on your country is devastating!! Like 21 typhoons nationally, is insane and a major result due to the rapidly changing climate. I have signed your petition, and I hope you guys get the result and information you need in order to stop the dolomite sand dumping.

It was nice meeting you!

- Sofia

Ysabelle Marie F. Basa
Nov 14, 2020

Hello Sofia,

Thank you so much for signing the petition, we really appreciate it :) The typhoons here really creates a devastating impact to many, mostly because of the floods and storm surges. 

I hope you are doing well, let's link soon!


Nov 10, 2020

Hi Ysabelle, 

In Townsville we had a massive flood in 2019 too. Our government made space in their budget to help support all of those who where put out of homes and work. We are still in recovery over 18 months later, but we are slowly recovering.  

Ysabelle Marie F. Basa
Nov 14, 2020

Hi Lilly! 

We've also experienced a typhoon recently, for the fourth consecutive time already. The situation here is really devastating :( I'm hoping and praying for the fast recovery of your town. Stay safe always <3 

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