Amelie, Buenos Aires Argentina: My carbon footprint

Environment   Oct 23, 2020 by Amelie Barquet

I’ve always considered that I was doing the most I could do to be sustainable. However, when I calculated my carbon footprint, I realized I was not. My carbon footprint was much over the Argentinian average. I discussed this with my family, and as a whole we decided to inform more ourselves and make a change about it. The biggest change we are still trying to improve is how much we use our car we realized we use it to go to mostly everywhere, there are many ways to replace it, and with a small effort, a big difference is made. We changed our diet as we found out the meat producing releases an intense amount of greenhouse gases and we therefore started reducing almost to 100% our meat consume. We further continued to recycle our waste, but now including a new method which allows us to recycle the majority of our waste. We realized how much waste we used to discard could actually be recycled, our small action and our small effort contributed largely for the best. I am now completely engaged to  keep on doing the small actions which make a big difference. Being in this project opened my mind and my eyes, I'm looking forward to keep on informing myself and learning on new and more methods to help my carbon footprint, and be able to inform others. 

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5 Comment(s)

Hi Amelie,

It was very overwhelming and confronting to see just how much of an impact we all are making in our environment. What were your families ideas and solutions to help reduce this. 

Nov 15, 2020

hey Amelia,

I also find It excellent that after you had realised that you are using a lot of carbon footprint, that you and your family are trying to make a difference in reducing your carbon footprint. That is great.

Nicola Perry
Nov 15, 2020

Hi Amelie,

That is great that you are conscious about your carbon footprint and actively trying to reduce it. Good job to your family as well who is also thinking about it. I bet trying it now would show that it is much lower.

Nicola, Townsville, Queensland 

Isabella Hockaday
Nov 12, 2020

Hey Amelie! 

It's so great to hear from you, thankyou for sharing your story! I love that you are really making an effort to reduce your carbon footprint, especially by changing your diet. My family has also recently started to cut out as much meat as possible and we are making a real effort to ensure out diet is plant based to reduce carbon emissions. It really does make a difference!

Bella- Townsville, Queensland

Raquel Jimenez
Oct 27, 2020

Hi Amelie! I was also shocked when I found out my results. My family and I also made similar changes to reduce our footprint. I also felt like this project was an eye opening thing, great job! 

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