Parker, Eedha, Julianne and Sophie, USA: Our Carbon Footprints

Environment   Oct 16, 2020 by Parker
  1. Our footprints reflect how our country, the United States of America, has one of the highest carbon footprints in the world. In addition to this, our footprints show how the USA relies heavily on oil and carbon in its economy. Our footprints also show how the US depends on multiple methods of energy sourcing that involve carbon emissions, such as transportation (cars and other vehicles), which we use in our daily lives.
  2. Our carbon footprint relates to power imbalances when it comes to carbon mitigation plans because they show how the US has the money and resources to reduce our carbon footprint. The US has the financial ability to slow climate change but we also produce lots of carbon.
  3. After calculating our carbon footprints, we became more aware of the small changes we can make in our daily lives to help achieve a sustainable lifestyle. This helped us realize how small decisions that we take add up to create an unhealthy environment for us to live in.
  4. Something that is still challenging us to wrap our heads around is the size of our carbon footprints. We would not have thought they would be as big as they were. Another thing that we are still wrapping our heads around is how much flying would impact our carbon footprints. We were not aware that flying would have such a massive impact. One thing that we are still wondering about are the small steps that we can take to reduce our carbon footprints. For example, one way to lessen our footprints would be to bike to school instead of driving. We are interested in learning many more methods we can use to minimize our carbon footprints and do our parts to combat climate change.

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